Misc. Tips

These are a few tips from an e-newletter I get that I thought you might find interesting. Enjoy

If you’re going to be at a party with strangers, but you know who they are, Google them or look for them on Facebook. You’ll come up with topics of conversation based on their work and lives. Someone did this to me at a symphony fundraiser, and I thought he was a brilliant conversationalist!

If you need someone to proofread your writing (it’s very hard to proof your own work, as most writers know), hire a college English major, or a freelance writer, or an out-of-work editor. You can pay them by the hour and you’ll get professional work and an outstanding finished product.
This could be good for updates to your website.
A lot of people have told me they get something new even when they hear my same stories and points over again. And I find I learn more rewatching movies and television shows. Never be complacent. Think about how much we’re missing even when we think we’ve learned a lot or experienced a great deal.

The game of baseball revolves around balls and strikes, and they depend on the strike zone. But the strike zone varies with the height of the hitter, the length of his stride, and the idiosyncrasy of the umpire. Most of your goals in life are like that – moving targets.

Are you prepared for the economic rebound that is assuredly coming? Most people prepare for failure, very few prepare for success.

Many working horses and race horses wear “blinders” which prevent them from looking left or right to eliminate distraction. When you’re working or racing on an important project, what are your blinders?

Have a great week! Jody